
Company car privilege? 0.25% rule? You only understand station? No problem - we'll explain to you what bicycle leasing, which is currently so popular, is all about and how you too can benefit from it.

Bicycle leasing - what is it?
Bike leasing enables all employees to get an e-bike or pedelec from their employer. In a way, the bike takes the place of the company car and is leased by the employer. The bike is used by the employee, who thereby receives a non-cash benefit, which is, however, only taxed at 0.25% of the gross list price.
The employer can provide the leased bicycle to his employees free of charge or agree the so-called salary conversion model with the employee. In this case, the installments are conveniently deducted from the gross salary.

The clou: Compared to the normal private purchase in the store or online they save with bicycle leasing up to 40 percent!

By the way: You can of course also use your company bike for private purposes.

The most important steps at a glance:

To take advantage of all the benefits of bike leasing quickly and conveniently, your employer must first select a leasing partner. We will be happy to assist you in this process. Once the contract has been successfully concluded, you will be able to lease your new e-bike through your employer. With our leasing partners, such a partner contract is of course free of charge for the employer.

  1. If your employer already offers bike leasing, the first thing you do is select your dream e-bike.
  2. Then we will make you an individual offer, which has to be signed by the employer.
  3. After approval by our leasing partners, their new bike is ready for pick-up. The settlement takes place between the employer and the leasing partner and is automatically credited to your gross salary.

This is how bike leasing works:
First and foremost, they should visit their HR department and clarify whether their company already offers company bike leasing. If the employer gives the green light, they can start looking for their dream bike right away in our online store. Of course, they can also get advice on site at the BMZ Store.
Have they found their dream e-bike? Then they may finally fill out a so-called transfer agreement together with their employer, which defines the lessee and regulates the conditions for company bike use and any salary conversion.
The final step is simple: pick up the bike and start cycling.